3 Step Meditation

3 Step Meditation

1. Go Inside Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Bring your attention to your breath, and as you exhale, imagine tension leaving your body. 2. Visualize From this deep state of relaxation, imagine a place in nature where you feel comfortable, safe, and secure. Take...
Be Prepared to Leave the Old You Behind

Be Prepared to Leave the Old You Behind

The first thing that you need to do is to prepare to leave the old you behind. That might sound daunting or perhaps it sounds like meaningless hype. But no: this is the first and most important step to becoming a better you and it’s one that you will find puts up a...
How to Get Back Control

How to Get Back Control

So how do you get to this point? It is all very well telling you to forget what others are thinking and to find your purpose… but what if this doesn’t come naturally after decades of living a life based on the expectations of others? The answer is meditation....
Forgetting What Others Think

Forgetting What Others Think

Just as you need to abandon that prison of wanting to act like ‘you’, it is also equally important that you abandon the concern for what others might think of you. This is something that dictates how many of us think and act and it can be a big issue when it comes to...
Knowing Your Purpose

Knowing Your Purpose

One of the best ways to become more in tune with who you are and to act more on your truest emotions and impulses, is to know your purpose and your life goal. Know your mission statement and what you wish to accomplish in life. Most of us are living lives based almost...
Flow Like Water

Flow Like Water

What we’re describing here really, is a person who is completely in tune with their emotions and their own impulses, rather than someone who is constantly trying to overcome a haze of self doubt and of concern over what they should be doing. Once you remove the...